SELECT * FROM [postgres,snowflake,mongodb]

Join billions of rows from anywhere

GlareDB is a fast SQL database for running analytics across distributed data. Connect data sources and run queries across them with exceptional performance.
$curl | sh
Open source
AS users
AS invoices
ON invoice.organization_id = users.organization_id
AS metrics
ON metrics.user_id =
ORDER BY invoices.amount DESC

Analytics at any scale

Run SQL queries on small, medium, large, and global scales across any number of data sources.

Built for data engineers

Get started with GlareDB's Python bindings or CLI to develop workflows locally. Connect to GlareDB Cloud with hybrid execution to scale workflows to the cloud.


Connect data sources like Postgres, Snowflake, and more to enable querying data inside GlareDB. Then use your favorite business intelligence and visualization tools to get the results you need.

Break down data silos

GlareDB enables your data team to make the most of your data. Run analytics across any number of sources including Snowflake, Postgres, S3, and more.


Runs where you need it

Work with GlareDB in any environment. Use the CLI and language bindings for local analytics workloads, then deploy to GlareDB Cloud for extra resources and scalability.

GlareDB Local

Run analytics locally with a standalone binary.

Embedded Libraries

Embed GlareDB in your Python or Node.js programs.

GlareDB Cloud

Deploy to GlareDB Cloud for running production workloads.

Cloud native scalability with Hybrid Execution

GlareDB seamlessly scales from the laptop to the cloud and enables data and engineering teams to add cloud resources as workloads grow. A single line of configuration is all that's needed to connect to GlareDB Cloud.

With Hybrid Execution, your local GlareDB application will dispatch work to GlareDB cloud, to execute bigger queries faster with cloud resources without changing your pipeline at all.

Learn more
% ./glaredb
Type \help for help.
> \open glaredb://
Connected to Cloud deployment (TLS enabled): my_deployment
::: FROM postgres.public.users AS users
::: INNER JOIN 'cost_projections.csv' AS projections
::: ON = projections.user_id;

A platform for analytics engineering

Get the most out of your data by deploying on GlareDB Cloud. We take care of the hard parts, letting you focus on the data.

[object Object] image

Find the data you need

Use the explorer to search for tables and column across all data sources.

[object Object] image

Connect data sources

Get a step-by-step walk through for connecting data sources to your GlareDB deployment.

[object Object] image

Interactive SQL Editor

Explore and visualize your data directly from console.

Built for scale

GlareDB Cloud is a serverless database and execution engine that manages all of the details for you. Focus on your data and analysis, and less on the infrastructure or operations.

Get started with the GlareDB Cloud free-tier to take it for a test drive.

Learn more

Deploy instantly

Deploy with just a single click. No waiting around for you instance to be spun up, or having to worry about resource sizing. GlareDB Cloud takes care of everything for you.

Scale automatically

Bring your data and run queries without having to think about infrastructure or resource usage. GlareDB Cloud automatically executes your queries in the most efficient way to make sure you get the results you need as quickly as possible.

Unlimited storage

No matter how big your data grows, GlareDB can handle them thanks to GlareDB's decoupled compute and storage. All data is stored in object storage with efficient on-node caching to keep queries running fast.

Get started now

Ready to get the most out of your data? Get started with GlareDB.

$curl | sh
Open source