September 11th, 2023

Hybrid Execution: Scale your workflow with GlareDB Cloud

author image
Grey Barkans, Head of Product
Blog post cover image

We're building GlareDB to query your data, wherever it is. Your data may be on your laptop, in other databases or in the cloud. It may exist as Parquet, CSV or JSON formats. Regardless, 100% of the time there are multiple steps across several destinations in getting to the end result you need. Now with Hybrid Execution, you can SELECT and JOIN all of your data with SQL you already know.

Typically, your data exists both locally and in the cloud, especially while developing and experimenting. Hybrid Execution allows you to combine local and remote data efficiently by using both your local machine and cloud resources. During query execution, GlareDB splits the query into separate pieces to run remotely or locally. Some queries may be run entirely locally, remotely, or a combination based on efficiency in query planning.

Get started with Hybrid Execution

GlareDB Cloud offers a free tier for getting started with Hybrid Execution. When you sign up, we automatically spin up a deployment for you with 10 GB of storage. You will arrive at our web-based SQL workspace where you can begin querying and working with GlareDB immediately.

By clicking the Connect button in the top right, we provide a simple command that you can copy and use when running GlareDB locally.

If you don't have GlareDB installed or haven't updated to 0.5.0 yet, simply run the following in the directory where you would like to install or update the GlareDB binary:

curl | sh

Then, simply paste the connection command from GlareDB Cloud in the GlareDB CLI:

\open glaredb://

At this point, GlareDB is running locally on your machine and is additionally connected to your GlareDB Cloud deployment. You are ready to combine data from from the deployment as well as process local files.

Hybrid Execution in action

As an example, imagine you have a CSV on your local filesystem containing a single column of user IDs. The CSV might look like the following:


Futhermore, imagine there's a table in your cloud deployment called user_metrics that stores entries containing a user ID, and number of output_rows per entry.

You can efficiently join this data on your local machine using familiar SQL:

  user_metrics m
INNER JOIN './company_users.csv' u on m.user_id =
GROUP BY m.user_id
│ user_id                              │ MAX(m.output_rows) │ AVG(m.output_rows) │
│ ──                                   │ ──                 │ ──                 │
│ Utf8                                 │ Int64              │ Int32              │
│ 7bd25c6f-c394-4cf7-9715-a5e9cc138bcd │ 13575              │ 78                 │
│ 0720b2cc-3906-4d7d-a822-33ead2387797 │ 1000000            │ 302                │
│ 7e168af4-7c77-4d80-90ea-17677ca9de81 │ 11000000           │ 1229               │
│ cd67387e-3d37-4803-850a-ff2f2d913261 │ 10000              │ 64                 │
│ 265448e5-35d9-418e-9114-c4b948abdf30 │ 1847746            │ 4858               │

In this query, we are able to provide a relative path ./company_users.csv while referencing the user_metrics table residing in the cloud deployment without any additional syntax. GlareDB can understand how to query the CSV file locally while joining and remotely processing data from user_metrics.

Hybrid Execution in Python

Hybrid Execution also works with the GlareDB Python library. Like the prior example, paste the Python connection string from GlareDB Cloud.

We can run the same query (including scanning a local file) from Python. We can also interop with DataFrames from Pandas or Polars. We'll adapt the above example with Pandas:

import glaredb
import pandas as pd

con = glaredb.connect("glaredb://")

company_users = pd.DataFrame(
        "id": [

  execution_metrics m
INNER JOIN company_users u on m.user_id =
GROUP BY m.user_id
│ user_id                              │ MAX(m.output_rows) │ AVG(m.output_rows) │
│ ──                                   │ ──                 │ ──                 │
│ Utf8                                 │ Int64              │ Int32              │
│ 7bd25c6f-c394-4cf7-9715-a5e9cc138bcd │ 13575              │ 78                 │
│ 0720b2cc-3906-4d7d-a822-33ead2387797 │ 1000000            │ 302                │
│ 265448e5-35d9-418e-9114-c4b948abdf30 │ 1847746            │ 4858               │
│ 1a04aef1-a458-4b78-9953-6b90e752837b │ 60175              │ 1468               │
│ cd67387e-3d37-4803-850a-ff2f2d913261 │ 10000              │ 64                 │

A look ahead: Compute and storage at scale

GlareDB Cloud is free and designed for getting started with Hybrid Execution so that you can scale your local data development workflows. When you upgrade your GlareDB Cloud account, you gain access to:

  • Unlimited storage
  • Dedicated compute (billed on usage)

Compute engines are customizable and cost-effective cloud compute nodes that can be scaled or powered off to suit your needs.

You can utilize compute engines in Hybrid Execution as well as our web-based SQL workspace, depending on your use case.

To use a compute engine with Hybrid Execution, simply specify it in the connection string. From the previous example, simply qualify the deployment name (empty_feather) with the name of the engine, compute:

\open glaredb://

Data everywhere made easy

Our goal with GlareDB is to reduce time to insight. At a processing level, we accomplish this is with our performant engine built in Rust with DataFusion. At a human level, we design our interfaces to be simple and familiar. There's no need to learn new tools or frameworks: just query your data wherever it lives with SQL you already know.

See for yourself just how easy it is to query a CSV hosted on Hugging Face.

Try it out:

# install or update GlareDB
curl | sh

# query
./glaredb --query "SELECT * FROM \

Hybrid Execution advances our mission by enabling you to join cloud data with local data seamlessly.

We look forward to hearing your feedback. Hit a bug, or have an idea on how to make this even better? Let us know by opening up an issue in our repo.

Get started now

Ready to get the most out of your data? Get started with GlareDB.

$curl | sh
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